Davey Dynamite - Music

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  • 9/6/24 - Album preorder, Names of Places and 2 covers

    Pre-orders are up with another song released and two covers! This time by The Weakerthans and Jonathan Richman

    Check it out at the player below or here

  • 8/9/24 - This Year, Pt.2 and Souvenirs (John Prine) !

    The new album is finally ready to come out and should be fully out in the fall with the help of Don't Panic. Here's the first single and a cover. And yes, this is a sequel to the Mountain Goats song. This song is from 2017 or so and damn why is it still so relevant

    Check it out at the player below or here

  • Davey Dynamite and Friends in: Memory

    🧨 A new album coming soon.

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I gaze at stars Bloom where you're planted No cops Despite everything, it's still you powered by: a mouse in a wheel im walkin here!!! blinkie BURN IT ALL DOWN blinkie

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